Accessible & Affordable Housing
Second Thursday of the month @ 4-5pm EST
Highlights of what DDP has done to date in this issue area:
Housing Trust Fund efforts to increase the City's development of truly affordable and accessible housing
Guidance for the housing portal that the city is building (search engine for accessible real estate)
Trying to connect with Detroit Association of Realtors about accessible listings/fields
Anti-Ableism workshop for HRD
DDP's policy recommendations to the city/county/state in this issue area:
Increase the funding, building, and availability of accessible, affordable, and inclusive housing.
Take stock of and survey the availability of accessible, affordable, and inclusive housing.
Co-conduct building assessments and ensure access, upgrades and modifications for all residents but particularly people with disabilities.
line portal as a resource to search out and apply for accessible, affordable, and inclusive housing.Establish an on
should coordinate with real estate listings to include accessible features for people with disabilities looking for accessible, affordable, and inclusive housing.
Co-create government and developer toolkits, alongside advocates, to broaden disability consciousness and establish the understanding, expertise, and authority necessary to better serve our present and future disability communities.