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About Detroit Disability Power (DDP)

DDP is a membership organization with over 260 members, including disabled people, caregivers, and our allies. Our mission is to leverage and build the organizing and political power of the disability community to ensure the full inclusion of people with disabilities in Metro Detroit. We partner with members, community organizations, and elected officials to carry out this mission and agenda. Here are our two policy priority areas for 2023:

Affordable Accessible Housing

Across the country, less than 4% of homes are considered accessible, while 15% of households include at least one disabled resident. In addition, the national affordable housing shortage means that even fewer housing units are both accessible and affordable for disabled individuals and their families. People with disabilities deserve accessible, affordable, and inclusive housing that is both integrated and permanent. Therefore, we will advocate for:

  • Increasing the building and maintenance of accessible housing in integrated neighborhoods that allow diverse neighbors to thrive together and provides options for families of all sizes

    • Increasing the number of affordable accessible units

    • Increasing the number of adaptable units and homes

    • Increasing the number of universally designed housing

    • Increasing the number of accessible single-family housing

    • Retrofitting single family homes in City rehabilitation projects

    • Increasing funding for the Detroit Housing Trust Fund by $30 million

  • Keeping public data on available accessible affordable housing updated in Detroit

    • Fully funding and conducting a comprehensive survey of existing accessible housing units

  • Increasing funds for homebuyer assistance programs, especially for elders and residents with disabilities. One example is the Detroit Neighborhood Initiative, a program that offers no down payment, no closing costs or fees, and allows buyers to include the cost of renovations in their mortgage

  • Creating sustainable programs to provide funds for rental assistance programs beyond the COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance (CERA) program (now ended)

  • Increasing funds for Renew Detroit and other home repair/modification programs

    • Creating and funding a ramp-building program

  • Fully funding and implementing Detroit’s Right to Counsel Ordinance to protect residents facing eviction

  • Further research on the benefits and challenges of a split-rate tax system in Detroit (implementation and administration costs, implications for blighted properties, etc.) This system would charge more taxes on vacant properties to encourage development, but not all implications are known

  • Increasing equitable Transit Oriented Development (TOD), or the intentional building of housing units near new transit developments that benefit residents rather than displacing them

    • Creating affordable accessible housing criteria in competitive transportation grants

  • Passing State legislation to protect residents when there are prolonged elevator outages in their building

  • Banning source-of-income (SOI) discrimination for renters (when landlords discriminate against potential tenants because they have a housing voucher or other public benefits)

  • Repealing the state’s bans on rent stabilization and rent control

  • Increasing funds for HCBS at every level of government

  • Increasing access to multiple home care programs, giving residents choices

    • Creating a statewide, web-based system with adequate resources for individualized options counseling to assist and guide counselor activities

  • Increasing the wages and benefits of direct care professionals

  • Designing, testing, and evaluating a standardized training/certification for direct care professionals

  • Eliminating Medicaid’s current institutional bias by ensuring HCBS care professionals get competitive wages/benefits compared to institutional settings

  • Ensuring benefits follow individuals as they transition out of institutions and into community-based, integrated housing

    • Increasing funds and resources for Community Transition Services (CTS)

    • Utilizing global budgeting to allow money/benefits to move across programs based on what the beneficiary wants and needs

  • Providing family caregivers with respite services

  • Passing State legislation that protects disabled residents from discrimination in healthcare rationing

If you have any questions about DDP’s 2023 Policy & Advocacy Agenda, you can contact our Advocacy Director, Eric Welsby at

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