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Take Action! Cross-County, Cross Disability COVID-19 Campaign
With Detroit leading, it’s time for Wayne, Oakland, Macomb and Washtenaw counties, as well as the State of Michigan, to follow suit.
Tell the State of Michigan & City of Detroit to make People with Disabilities a Priority!
Support DDP to letter to Governor Whitmer and Mayor Duggan to urge them to ensure pre-Spring vaccinations for pwd.
Disability Inclusion Fund at Borealis Philanthropy
DDP is honored to be among excellent company as one of 22 inaugural grant recipients of the Disability Inclusion Fund at Borealis...
Blind Detroit Traveler still missing in Peru 2 years later
Detroit Disability Power's saddened, our friend & fellow fighter for disability justice, who went missing on a trip to Peru December 12 2018
Take Action! COVID Relief for People with Disabilities
To view this email in American Sign Language (ASL) click on the link here. As COVID-19 erupts across the country, important Medicaid home...
Our Perspectives are Crucial
There are more than 117,000 disabled voters in Detroit. Our community is part of the historic turnout in this year’s election.
Join State Senator Stephanie Chang for a discussion around the Return to Learn plan for students with IEPs, what schools are doing to...
Respect the Will of the people
The election is over. Joe Biden is our President-elect and Kamala Harris is our Vice President-elect. We know the work isn’t over and our...
DDP Team at the Detroit Polls today!
Detroit Disability Power team and volunteers turned out at the Detroit polling locations handing out DDP lit, checking for accessibility...
Meet DDP's Newest Members
We are very excited to introduce you to DDP’s newest team members!
Share your story and WIN a FREE ADA 30th Anniversary T-Shirt!
Win a free ADA 30th Anniversary t-shirt! Detroit Disability Power wants to hear your stories. Share with us what the ADA has meant to you.
Black Disabled Lives Matter, join us Monday June 11th
Black + Disabled Lives Matter Protest at Spirit of Detroit Plaza, Monday June 11th 2020 4pm-6pm.
Stay Safe & Get Counted!
Detroit Disability Power is partnering with Warriors on Wheels in a census campaign to get members of our disability community counted.
Happy Census Day!
Detroit Disability Power are encouraging our members and our community to be counted in observance of Census Day, today, April 1.
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