It is critical that the Census get an accurate count of every resident in the United States this year. It’s essential that people with disabilities are accurately counted so that resources and programs meet our needs for the next 10 years.
Detroit Disability Power is partnering with Warriors on Wheels in a campaign to get members of our disability community counted. The Census determines allocations for real-life necessities, like health care, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), special education grants and Medicaid- All things people with disabilities in Michigan rely on every day. This is the time to get involved. The Census counts. So do you.
How can you help? First of all, fill out the Census if you haven’t already! Secondly, remind 3 family members or friends to fill out the Census too. Finally, help us spread the word evcen further by posting on your social media using the hashtags #covidvseverybody, #weneedyoucount, and #disabilitycounts2020 and by using these ready-to-go images.
Also, the City of Detroit, in partnership with fashion label Detroit VS Everybody by Tommey Walker, is hosting a multi-week awareness campaign culminating in Everybody VS COVID-19 Unity Festival, online May 29-30, 2020. The festival will include 20+ musical acts, including Big Sean, Mayer Hawthorne, Sada Baby, DJ D Nice, La Britney, Gmac Cash, as well as many more Detroit grown and affiliated artists. The musical acts will be streamed live on the City’s Facebook, and Instagram from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. both days. The Unity Festival* is designed to encourage residents to stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic and to complete the 2020 Census.
We at DDP are especially excited about the performance of Sean Forbes, a Deaf rapper and the co-founder of D-PAN, The Deaf Professional Arts Network, a nonprofit organization that makes music accessible to the Deaf and hard of hearing community. We hope you can check him out!
Both being counted in the Census and taking precautions to avoid contracting or transmitting Coronavirus are acts we can take individually that add up and are good for our community as a whole.
Thank you for staying safe and making sure you’re counted!
*Detroit Disability Power has requested ASL & Closed Captioning for this event.