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DDP Member Manual

Welcome! We are excited to have you join our efforts to ensure the full inclusion of people with disabilities in Metro Detroit and beyond. For too long, disabled people have been neglected and discriminated against. The results have been devastating for us, but this reality is not inevitable.

Together, we have the wisdom, ideas, expertise, audacity, and power to change the world around us -- to make it finally work for all of us. With you, our wildest dreams are possible. 

Thank you for joining us. 

  • About Detroit Disability Power: What We Do
    Organize people with disabilities and our allies around local issues that impact our lives. Collaborate with other organizations engaging in work that affects people with disabilities. Advocate for increased accessibility in our city and state by organizing people power. Facilitate Anti-Ableism Workshops for social justice organizations wishing to better understand the systemic oppression of disabled people and make a commitment to dismantling able-ism in their work. Host fun and educational community building events.
  • About Detroit Disability Power: Our Guiding Principles
    Disability is a normal/positive part of human diversity. Our disabilities are essential parts of who we are, places of power and self-love, giving us great assets to share with the world around us. Nothing About Us, Without Us: We are People with disabilities building power and inclusive social justice movements. We work to dismantle the very real structural and cultural challenges facing us. We organize for the policy and systems change we need and want, therefore, making tangible changes in people’s lives and shifting power to those most affected by issues. We organize and serve people with diverse disabilities. We are committed to no hierarchy of disability in our work, engaging with people across disabilities, including chronic illness. Disabled people have other important identities, which also affect our lived experiences and access to opportunity. Our power building efforts will always be with an intersectional lens and with attention to race, class, gender, sexual orientation, citizenship status, religion, and other identities that affect our lives. True Inclusion is Revolutionary: When we evolve our institutions to fully include disabled people, we will inevitably build more equitable, accountable, safe, and compassionate communities that are better for everyone.
  • What It Means To Be A Member of DDP: Benefits and Expectations
    Membership of Detroit Disability Power is available to individuals who are part of, or allies with, the disability community. Member Benefits: Opportunity to vote on issue agendas and have input on the organization's priorities. Members who live or work in Detroit are eligible to vote on our Detroit Issues Agenda. Members who live in Michigan are eligible to vote on our Michigan Issues Agenda. Members who live outside Michigan are invited to participate in activities, committees and priority discussion, but may not vote on local or state issue agendas. Opportunities to socialize and network with other disability justice activists. Leadership development opportunities through workshops, organizing, and participation on committees. Regular updates on organizational activities, and opportunities to discuss important organizational issues with other members and staff. Member Expectations Members must be committed to building organizing power together to ensure the full inclusion of people with disabilities in Metro Detroit. This includes, but is not limited to: Supporting our campaigns to make Detroit, Michigan and the United States better for disabled residents and visitors. Supporting our accessible, affordable housing efforts, our accessible voting efforts, and other issue campaigns we are engaged in at the city, state, and federal levels. Supporting non-partisan Get Out the Vote (GOTV) efforts, which lift up the issues that matter to our community through an electoral strategy. Spreading the word about DDP’s work at local events, workshops, conferences, and other community activities. Members are expected to participate in Member Vote Meetings. Members are also expected to engage in other volunteer opportunities with DDP that they are interested in supporting. These types of activities could be tabling at community events, speaking on a panel with DDP staff, or sharing of DDP initiatives and actions with those in a member’s own network and community.
  • Membership Dues
    Dues for DDP members are on a sliding scale. We've set the "basic" dues level at $35 annually (or $9 quarterly). If you can’t pay $35, please give any amount of at least $5 per year. If that's tough, get in touch with us and we will work around it. If you can give more than $35/year, please do! We encourage all who can manage it to sign up at the "solidarity" level of $80 year (or $22/quarterly). Membership dues allow us to reach & organize with more people. For example, six members paying dues at $35 each allows us to hire interpreters for a community event we’re hosting or to purchase 10 t-shirts for a demonstration. Members are also welcome to make additional financial contributions to Detroit Disability Power. The easiest way to pay member dues is by credit or debit card through our online sign-up form. Members can also pay by check made to Michigan Disability Rights Coalition with "Detroit Disability Power member dues" in the memo line.
  • Other resources:
    Michigan Voter Information Center,, Election Protection Hotline at 1-866-OUR-VOTE (1-866-687-8683), REV UP Elections Info by state When you vote- whether by mail or in person – let us know how accessible your experience is. Please fill out this short survey to help us collect information for our voting accessibility organizing. 
  • Your Commitment As A DDP Member
    We ask for your commitment as a member of Detroit Disability Power to our Guiding Principles (listed above) and the following ways of living out these principles: I agree to share my ideas, energy, and time as a way to engage in the collective social justice and power building work of DDP. I agree to support other members in the collective by open-mindedly considering others’ opinions, concerns, and priorities in decision making and votes. I agree to work collaboratively with staff and other members as partners toward achievement of our goals. I agree to represent the organization in a positive and supportive manner. I agree to bring a sense of humor and active listening to my participation in meetings.
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Detroit Disability Power is a project fiscally sponsored by Michigan Disability Rights Coalition.

© 2024 by Detroit Disability Power

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